Friday, January 09, 2015

How to Write your own Monitoring App

First the problem:

Some Linux users like to run servers and or services. You could be running Samba, MySQL, Web Servers and maybe even a Chat Server. You could be running these all on your desktop, but that wastes electricity and uses up your desktop when you may want to use it for other purposes. A primary desktop would need to be up all the time, and many desktops have a high end video card which uses as much electricity as the rest of the computer combined. Why not run them all on one or more headless servers? This could be one big processor running multiple virtual machines or on single less powerful computers (maybe even “Raspberry Pi”s) each supporting a specific service. A headless i3 could come in between 60 -70 watts, while a gaming rig can use 400 watts or more.

But how do you monitor them? You can download and install Nagios or something like that, but it could be more fun to write your own. You can design the GUI app to fit your needs, not what someone says you need. Maybe you want the app to sit in a little corner and not use up much space, or maybe you want it large on one computer all by itself.

Second, what language (Compiler or Interpreter) are you going to use.

There are many choices and in reality you can make almost any of them work, so it is going to come down to your personal choice. Okay, I like Lazarus, which is a GUI front end to the Free Pascal Compiler. It is a true compiler and generates relatively fast code. Lazarus will run circles around Python performance-wise, but in truth c++ will outperform Lazarus. Pascal is easier to write then c++ and you can have a working app in much less time. In performance tests I have seen, Free Pascal generated programs that run on average 2.5 times longer then an equal program written in c++, but Python will run about 6 times longer then an equivalent Free Pascal program. Your results may vary, in the below charts, Python took 50 times longer to run then Free Pascal, and the differences between Free Pascal and c was marginal. On the learning curve, Python is the easiest to learn (but not by much), followed by Pascal, and the hardest to learn is c++.

If you think that this charts is irrelevant to computing today. Sorting is a fairly good way to compare performance of compilers or interpreters and the source code is freely available on the internet. And lastly, I have an application that had a Procedure that updated a MySQL Table with a sort value that would change on a daily basis, and then sort the output. It had a performance issue due to the fact that MySQL updates data slowly, but can select it very quickly. I rewrote the application to load the table into RAM, update it there and then run an internal sort. This Procedure went from running minutes to milliseconds. There may come a point where it will become necessary to run a sort on data inside your program.

The Algorithm.

I knew that I wanted to start ssh processes into each server and then process the returned data. When you put the command right after the address to connect to, the session will terminate after the command is run. I have written previous programs that have started background processes that just returned the output, which could then be processed by the main application. This is relatively easy to do; you need to add Process to the uses clause and declare a TProcess and a TStringList Variable.

Classes, SysUtils, Process;

MyProcess: TProcesss;
MyStrList: TStringList;

And then the following needs added at the point where you want to start the process:

MyStrList := TStringList.Create;
MyProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
MyProcess.CommandLine := 'ValidLinuxCommand';
MyProcess.Options := MyProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes];
{ Do something with the String List Here }

That isn't really all that hard, and it will work as long as the output is smaller then about 2k. If it is going to be larger, we need to add more complexity. This is explained in detail at:

Initially I was thinking it would need to be a multi-threaded app, and I started researching that option. I was afraid one stuck process could freeze the whole application. The more I looked at that option, however, the more complex it sounded. Each thread could not update graphical components within the main app (that can crash the Window Manager), so they would have to update basic objects (Integers, Strings, floats and such) within the main thread and then have the main thread update the component objects and then there is added complexity of needing to use Critical Sections (this would prevent more than one thread from accessing shared object at the same time).

I then thought, well maybe I can start each subprocess and not have to wait on it finishing, and then just create a loop that tests each subprocess's state. If the subprocess has finished, process its output and then just start a replacement subprocess. No messing around with all of the multi-thread stuff.

So first of all I declared a simple record:

TProcessRec = Record
      Process: TProcess;
      Password: String;
      Pct: Double;
      StrList: TStringList;

And then declared an Array of that Record:

ProcessTable: Array[1..KKArraySize] of TProcessRec;

Now we want to set up the main loop, but first we want to prime the pump and start all the ssh processes needed:

For i := 1 to KKArraySize Do
      If Length(ProcessTable[i].Addr) > 1 Then
            ProcessTable[i].Process := TProcess.Create(nil);
            ProcessTable[i].Process.CommandLine := CmdLine(i);
            ProcessTable[i].Process.Options :=                           ProcessTable[1].Process.Options +

I am just looping through my Array and checking to see if there is an address defined, if so start a ssh. Note, I removed the poWaitOnExit from ProcessOptions because we don't want to stop and wait for each process to finish. Instead, we will test the subprocess in the next step. Also note that I am calling a function CmdLine to build the Linux command I want to run. Below is that function:

Function CmdLine(i: Integer): String;
         CmdLine := 'sshpass -p "' + ProcessTable[i].Password +
         '"   ssh ' + ProcessTable[i].User + '@' +
                  ProcessTable[i].Addr + ' sar -u 1 1;free';

This is pretty simple, it just uses the Array to fill in user, Password and Address. As you can also note, I am using sshpass to pass the password to ssh and am also using the sar utility. sshpass can be found in most repositories and sar is part of the sysstat monitoring utilities which also can be found in most repositories. I found sar gave cpu utilization numbers very close to what top gives, so that is why I ended up using it. sar or whatever utility you end up using will have to be installed on all of the servers you are monitoring.

Now finally the main loop:

EndTime := Now + EncodeTime(0, 0, 5, 0); // 5 Seconds
While Now < EndTime do
For i:=1 to KKArraySize Do
       If Length(ProcessTable[i].Addr) > 1 Then
              If ProcessTable[i].Process.Running = False then
                     For j:=0 to ProcessTable[i].StrList.Count-1 Do
                             If copy(ProcessTable[i].StrList[j],1,7)
                  = 'Average' then
                                   Sum :=
                                   PctStr := Format('%5.2f', [Sum]);
                                   ProcessTable[i].Pct := Sum;
                      BladeSG.Cells[i,2] := Format('%5.2f',
                      ProcessTable[i].Process.CommandLine := CmdLine(i);
                      ProcessTable[i].Process.Options := 
              ProcessTable[1].Process.Options +

Well, that is a mouthful! This is all in a Repeat ... Forever Loop, well, almost a forever loop because I do have a way to break it. The first While Loop, is just a means to get the App to wait 5 seconds before checking on the status of all of our background processes. The first two If statements seem silly and seem like they should be combined, but ... Since I only initialized a Process in the array where the Addr field had actual data in it, if we ran the “Process.Running” statement for an uninitialized Process variable, the app would have had a memory error and would have crashed.


―— just loads the output from our ssh into our TStringList, which was declared in our Array. A TStringList is actually just an array of Strings and the output of the sar utility has the word Average in it. So the following block of code just sums up the output from the sar utility. I summed up user, nice, and system values listed from the sar utility. You may decide on a different strategy.

For j:=0 to ProcessTable[i].StrList.Count-1 Do
       If copy(ProcessTable[i].StrList[j],1,7) = 'Average' then
              Sum := SumProcessorStats (ProcessTable[i].StrList[j]);
              PctStr := Format('%5.2f', [Sum]);
              ProcessTable[i].Pct := Sum;

SumProcessorStats is a function and it does the adding of the sar outputed fields together.

Function SumProcessorStats(s: String): Double;
     UsrStr, NiceStr, SysStr: String;
     Sum, Dbl: Double;
       UsrStr := copy(s,24,6);
       NiceStr := copy(s,34,6);
       SysStr := copy(s,44,6);
       Sum := 0.0;
       Dbl := StrToFloat(UsrStr);
       Sum := Sum + Dbl;
       Dbl := StrToFloat(NiceStr);
       Sum := Sum + Dbl;
       Dbl := StrToFloat(SysStr);
       Sum := Sum + Dbl;
       SumProcessorStats := Sum;

Finally, since the previous subprocess had finished, this last piece starts a new subprocess:

ProcessTable[i].Process.CommandLine := CmdLine(i);
ProcessTable[i].Process.Options := ProcessTable[1].Process.Options +

Security is an issue here. The addresses, users and passwords could be hard-coded into your App. If somebody broke into your system though, they could get all of your passwords by looking at your source code. An improvement would be to have all that info in MySQL Table and have the Operator prompted for the password to access that table. Even better would be to have the data all encrypted and have the Operator prompted for a decryption key.

At some point, we may want to start sending e-mails out when certain conditions occur. Like if one of the servers is maxed out for several minutes, or if a server becomes unresponsive. Sending out e-mails isn't that hard to add. There is a library that can be downloaded for free called Synapse ( You would need to download the library and add the following libraries to uses clause:

synautil, synacode, blcksock, pop3send, smtpsend

I copied the whole Synapse Library into the directory containing my app, and then whatever Lazarus needed, it would compile. The content of the e-mail would need to be added to a tstringlist and then to send the e-mail, use something similar to the following:

If Not SendTo('ToEmailAddress', 'FromEmailAddress', 'Subject',
'EmailServer', MsgStringList) Then
ShowMessage('E-Mail Didn''t Work');

ToEmailAddress could be your gmail address on your phone, FromEmailAddress would be your regular e-mail address, EmailServer will be your e-mail (Probably something like There is more information on the Wiki Site listed above.


On an Intel i5, the main thread uses about 6% of the CPU on one core. Very acceptable.