Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Backing up Home Computers

I should note that our home network is a mixed network, with the data being saved to Linux, but also being used by several Windows Computers.   The Windows Computers are currently not being backed up, but the network drives that they use is. Backups of our computers at home have always been a little bit haphazard. I have tried to get periodic backups done, but it has always been such a bother. It's probably more important than we like to admit. And since I host the network drives on my desktop, it is doubly important. It's not especially complicated. 

  1. Run the backup scripts in cron. That is easy. For my home network, monthly should be quite adequate.
  2. Copy the backups to external media.

Remembering to copy the backups to external media has always been the issue.

At first, the media was cd-rom, then dvd-rom. When memory sticks started to climb in capacity and their prices started dropping, I started to use them. But now with terabyte hard disks relativly cheap, I use them. At best, I was probably doing quarterly backups. Also, I have found that the USB hard disks are not always the most reliable media. I have had several of them go bad.

One thing I have always done is make sure I have a good backup before doing any system upgrades, such as upgrading one of my Linux Distros.

With the Rasberry Pi being cheap, low power and readily available, I am starting to use it as a backup server. This way, backups will occur if I remember it or not.

I have set up four separate scripts in Cron:
  1. Dump MySQL Databases.
  2. Run Dumps of home Directories.
  3. Move the dumps to my home account.
  4. Use ssh to transfer the Home Account Dumps to the Rasberry Pi.

The MySQL script is just something I found on the internet:

# sonia 16-nov-05
# backup each mysql db into a different file, rather than one big file
# as with --all-databases - will make restores easier
set -x
echo '/**************************************************/'
echo '/**Job Backs up the MySQL Databases to flat **/'
echo '/** Files **/'
echo '/**************************************************/'
# clean up any old backups - save space
rm "$OUTPUTDIR/*bak" > /dev/null 2>&1
# get a list of databases
databases=`$MYSQL --user=$USER --password=$PASSWORD \
-e "SHOW DATABASES;" | tr -d "| " | grep -v Database`
# dump each database in turn
for db in $databases; do
echo $db
$MYSQLDUMP --force --opt --user=$USER --password=$PASSWORD \
--databases $db > "$OUTPUTDIR/$db.bak"

I added the two date commands, just so I could see how long it runs. I also added rm commands to delete my old backup files to this script. (I have removed those lines from this example for security reasons.) I scheduled this to run at 00:10 on Sundays and it runs less than a minute. There isn't a lot of data out there, but I do rely on MySQL a lot. I would hate to lose my data.

At 00:15 on Sunday Morning, the backups run and the script looks like this:

set -x
echo '/**************************************************/'
echo '/**Job Starts Full Backup of home directories **/'
echo '/**************************************************/'
date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
read Y M D h m s <<< ${date//[-: ]/ }
if [ $D -lt 8 ] ;then
echo "Run Full Backups"
// who -u | grep terry awk '{printf("kill -9 %d", $2)}' | sh
// ping -n 1 -w 5000 > NUL
at -f /home/myacct/Documents/bash/User1Bkp now
at -f /home/myacct/Documents/bash/User2Bkp now
at -f /home/myacct/Documents/bash/User3Bkp now
at -f /home/myacct/Documents/bash/User4Bkp now
at -f /home/myacct/Documents/bash/User5Bkp now

The If Statement checks the day of the month, and if it is less then 8, starts the backups. There is no need to run full backups every week for my home network. The data just doesn't change that fast. Each user's backup is a separate script and is started via the At command, this way they can run concurrently with each other rather than in sequence. Each User Backup Script will be similar to the following:

echo '********************************'
echo '** Backup of User1 Acct **'
echo '********************************'
tar -czvf /home/user1bkp /home/user1

It is just a basic tar script to back up that specific user home account, which is also their network drive via Samba. I have added date commands at the beginning and end of the script, so I can tell how long they are running. If I start the transfer too soon, the backups would be useless. The output from the scripts are going to be huge and all we really have to look at is begin and end run times. Since I am running this from my Root Cron Account, the output will be sent to the Root Linux/Unix Mail Account and can be read using the mail program. I found though, that reading it with Mutt is even better, since by pressing the '|' key sends the mail message to a shell and then all that would have to be typed in is:

grep 'Sun '

and then something like the following should be listed:

Sun Jan 6 00:15:00 CST 2013
Sun Jan 6 01:58:53 CST 2013

So, in this case the job ran about 1.75 hours. I checked the run time on all of the backups and adjusted the start time of the move and copy scripts respectivly. Currently all of my backups complete before 2:30 am.

The third script runs at 3:10 am and it only runs a few seconds:

echo '********************************'
echo '** Copies backup files to **'
echo '** my home account **'
echo '** and makes me the owner **'
echo '********************************'
mv /home/*bkp /home/user1
chown user1 /home/user1/*bkp

Finally, the last script runs at 3:20. For this to work, I first had to install the “sshpass” program, which is not included in the ssh utility. It's probably not the most secure. But since this is running on a home network and with only family members having access, I am not too concerned. If this was for a business, I might look for something more secure. I considered installing a ftp server on the Rasberry Pi, but then I found that ssh's Secure Copy was already built in. The -arcfour gives the lowest level of encryption that ssh allows. Again, I don't feel security is a big issue on home networks and if I could have turned encryption off, I would have.

The let "Remainder=$M%3" does a Modulus divide, setting the $Remainder variable to the Remainder of the Current Months number divided by 3. This way, each month will go into a separate directory for 3 months, and if I need to go back to a previous months backup, I can. This job will run for hours, but speed shouldn't be an issue.

set -x
echo '/**********************************************************/'
echo '/**Job Copies Backup Files to my Rasberry PI at: **/'
echo '/** **/'
echo '/**********************************************************/'
date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
read Y M D h m s <<< ${date//[-: ]/ }
if [ $D -lt 8 ] ;then
let "Remainder=$M%3"
if [ $Remainder = 0 ] ;then
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user1bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user2bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user3bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user4bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user5bkp pi@
if [ $Remainder = 1 ] ;then
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user1bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user2bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user3bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user4bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user5bkp pi@
if [ $Remainder = 2 ] ;then
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user1bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user2bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user3bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user4bkp pi@
/usr/bin/sshpass -p 'MyPass' /usr/bin/scp -c arcfour /home/user1/user5bkp pi@

Lastly, the crontab is kind of goofy. I have to look up the format every time I use it. You can read about Cron here. The easiest thing to do is put the runtimes for the root account and the MyUser Account in separate files. The MyUser Cron file is set up as follows:

10 00 * * 0 /home/MyUser/Documents/bash/MysqlBackup
20 03 * * 0 /home/MyUser/Documents/bash/CopyBkp

And then the Root Cron File is set up as:

15 00 * * 0 /home/MyUser/Documents/bash/FullBackUp
10 03 * * 0 /home/MyUser/Documents/bash/RtCmd

In these, the first column is the minute to start, the second column is the hour it is to start and the fifth column is the day of the week.

Then, to change the current crontab with these, just sign into that user command line and type:

crontab FileName

where FileName is the name of that user's crontab file.

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